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Lottery 209: Building the Dream Home with the Deaf Lottery


This Sunday

Draw 220 closes in:0 Hrs0 Min0 Sec

Scrolling on Instagram one afternoon, Holly* stopped to listen to a Deaf Lottery winner get the call of a lifetime. Feeling happy for this stranger, she then checked the Deaf Lottery Facebook page where she noticed that the lottery was only 68% sold out. 

As a VIP Club member, Holly already had tickets in Deaf Lottery 209, but it didn’t hurt to pitch in a little more, so she purchased extra tickets.

Shortly after this, Holly began to review some preliminary designs for a new home for her young, growing family when the phone rang. It was Deaf Connect and the Deaf Lottery calling to share some good news with her. Holly’s stomach sank, she recalled the Instagram post and knew immediately that she was a winner! 

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Her extra tickets from the previous week had won her the $800,000 First Prize along with a Book Buyer's prize of $30,000. It just so happened that had Holly not been checking the Deaf Lottery Facebook page, she wouldn’t have become aware of her increased chances of winning, and wouldn’t have purchased the “extra” ticket which ended up being drawn for the Lottery 209 winner! A little luck really does go a long way.

The choice of prize was an easy one, and Holly made her family’s dream home a reality with the Deaf Lottery. Her win meant she was going to have more freedom of choice and design of the family home.

“The new family home is a core part of our life goal and winning the Deaf Lottery means we will be able to realise our full dream build, rather than having to settle with someone else’s design build.”

Holly has been supporting Deaf Connect through the Deaf Lottery since 2020 and stays current with the charity’s work through social media.

As Holly and her family draw closer to move-in day, she expressed her thanks for the Deaf Lottery and plans to continue supporting this great cause for many decades to come.

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Her advice to others wanting to support Deaf Connect is to be active with the Deaf Lottery and Deaf Connect on social media. Stop and read the articles, learn about the great work Deaf Connect does and never hesitate to get an extra ticket.

On behalf of all of us at Deaf Connect, we would like to thank Holly for supporting Deaf Australians and wish her and her family all the best in their new dream home!

For your chance to win $800,000 and realise your dream, you can purchase your $2 ticket online at www.deaflottery.com.au.

*Name changed to protect anonymity

This Sunday

Draw 220 closes in:0 Hrs0 Min0 Sec

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